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The formation of the coma is more than 50% due to head trauma and disruptions in the blood supply to the brain.

Treatment of coma is directed towards the disease that caused it. It is appropriate to follow up a comatose patient in the intensive care unit. And life support should be given until his condition improves.

Coma is a prolonged state of unconsciousness. The patient in a coma cannot communicate and respond to his environment. It cannot be aroused by painful stimuli.

A coma results from an injury to the brain. This injury to our brain may occur due to increased intracranial pressure, loss of oxygen, cerebral hemorrhage or toxic causes. Injury can be temporary or permanent. The formation of the coma is more than 50% due to head trauma and disruptions in the blood supply to the brain. Treatment of coma is directed towards the disease that caused it. It is appropriate to follow up a comatose patient in the intensive care unit. And life support should be given until his condition improves.


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